There are certain Universal Laws that always ring true. But, we continue to fight and deny them. One is “you reap what you sow.” If your personal brand (reputation) is steeped in generosity, giving and empowering, that is what will come back your way.
Read MoreThey say the quickest way to elevate your visibility, is through public speaking. For some reason, when you are on a stage, people are able to connect on a deeper level and develop the “know, like a trust factor must quicker.” In fact, often within moments, audience members can assess whether you are somebody they would like to get to know better.
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One day you will absolutely get sick and tired of playing small. Watching others scale up the ladder, take credit for your ideas and pursue their deepest desires without an ounce of fear about what anyone thinks. That’s when your unapologetic ambition needs to kick in.
Make that day, today.
Read MoreIf someone can land in the White House simply because he was savvy understanding about how to effectively brand himself and control the narrative, imagine what that skill-set can do for your career?
Read MoreAfter 10 years of running a full-service Personal Branding + Elevation Agency, one thing has become abundantly clear. If your mindset doesn’t match your vision, you will never attract the level of success you desire to.
Read MoreHave you ever heard the term intrapreneur? According to the dictionary it is: a manager within a company who promotes innovative product development and marketing.
Read MoreWhen we began working together, I helped him recognize the immense value he brought to the organization and the value he brought to the table. So he started owning the fact that he has spearheaded Thought Leadership within the organization for over five years and never recognized it.
Read MoreYour extensive knowledge, skill and expertise can be manifested in many ways, outside of a 9 to 5, no matter what you do. Once you change the way you view it and set the intention to monetize your expertise.
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