Welcome, to The Lab!
The Personal Elevation Lab™ is a the nation’s first and only “elevation consultancy” specifically designed to catapult the visibility, credibility, and profitability of professional women executives and entrepreneurs.
Savvy women hire us when they are ready to “make a name for themselves” within their organization and industry. We believe that it doesn’t matter how great you are, if nobody knows who you are! Our mission is to equip you with the tips, tools and strategies to shape your image, craft and control your narrative and strategically position yourself for industry recognition and success!
Tired of being your industry’s best kept secret
Tremendously skilled within your area of expertise, but ill-equipped when it comes to knowing how to effectively market yourself
Frequently overlooked for promotions and opportunities that you are more than qualified for
Paying the price for not establishing a reputation outside of the four walls of your organization
Frustrated because you don’t know how to differentiate yourself from your colleagues and peers
Uncomfortable with the thought of “bragging” about yourself
So busy building your organization’s brand, you’ve paid very little attention to your own
Commanding less money than your experience, education and overall ability dictate you should be making
Ready to learn how to leverage all of your industry know-how and expertise in ways that create additional streams of income
We Believe
At the Personal Elevation Lab, we are guided by a few core principles that provide the foundation for everything we do!
1. The world will never see you higher than you see yourself!
2. If you don’t define yourself, others will do it for you and you just might not like what they come up with.
3. It doesn’t matter how great you are if nobody knows who you are.
4. The most important brand in the world is your own.
5. Your reputation is your most valuable currency and you must protect it at all costs.
6. Your circle of influence must reflect where you are headed, and not just where you’ve been.
7. The most brutal critic you will ever encounter lives within; you must slay it!
8. The world is waiting for you to step into the highest version of yourself!
Developing a strong personal brand is critical for your professional elevation.
Increased earning potential
Increased visibility
Ability to shape and control your narrative
Ability to become an Industry Thought Leader (SME)
Ability to establish authority in a single niche market
Increased credibility
Top-of-mind status
Higher perceived value
Enhanced prestige
Leadership role
Ability to distinguish from competition
Ability to control public perception
Increased ability to attract the right kinds of clients
Stronger connection with target audience