
The Branded Therapist: Elevate Your Practice’s Presence

Attract More Clients, Leverage Your Differentiators and Skyrocket Your Revenue

(With or without the Insurance Companies) before the Fall!

Four- Week Personal Branding Intensive for Therapists

 If there was ever a moment in time where your services were needed, it is NOW. Our nation is riddled with anxiety. Depression is at an all-time high. People are mentally exhausted and emotionally spent. And many of them are desperately seeking strategies on how to cope.  

According to an American Psychiatric Association survey, 39 percent of people said their anxiety level had risen over the previous year56 percent were either “extremely anxious” or “somewhat anxious” about “the impact of politics on daily life,” and two-thirds of Americans’ consider the nation’s future as a “very or somewhat significant source of stress.”

 In other words, you are the solution people are seeking. 

So why isn’t your practice overflowing with patients/clients? Why don’t you have a “waiting list,” of ideal clients ready to experience your undeniable talent? Why are you struggling to get to thriving practice status?

The reason may have less to do with your skills, and more to do with your Personal Brand! 

What does your Personal Brand say about YOU! 

Have you taken the time to strategically position yourself as an industry leader? Do you know how to effectively communicate your value proposition? Do people even know why they come to you, other than you take their insurance or have an opening on a particular date?  

There is a reason some mental health-care practitioners can reject insurance, raise their prices, limit their hours and still have people lined up to see them, while others can accept every insurance imaginable, make ridiculous accommodations and struggle daily to get noticeable traction.  

Developing a strong personal brand is critical for maximum impact and monetary success! 

The reality is, it doesn’t matter how great you are, if nobody knows who you are! Your job is not only to be effective with helping people identify those things that are blocking them from becoming the highest versions of themselves, it is also to be savvy at articulating your value proposition to the world. If you can’t do both, you will pay a significant price.


Ask yourself:

-          What do you stand for?

-          What do you do better than your peers?

-          Should a client choose you as opposed to someone else (who takes their insurance)?

-          What results can people expect after working with you?

-          What insight, background, experience do you bring to the table that differentiates you and make you even more appealing?

-          Are you positioned both on and offline as an industry leader?

-          Does your online image reflect that of an industry leader?  

If you have never taken the time to clearly define your Brand, you don’t understand how to increase your visibility and you don’t know how to become a sought after industy expert, sign up for the Branded Therapist Five Week Visibility Intensive, today.

You are going to learn what it means to be the CMO, Chief Marketing Office of the Brand Called You, Inc.  

This one of a kind Intensive is designed specifically for those who have dedicated their lives to helping others. After five weeks, you will walk away with a customized game-plan for becoming the “person to see,” in your town.


If you are ready to:  

-          Define your Personal Brand and what you stand for

-          Strategically position your expertise

-          Elevate your packaging both on and offline

-          Uplevel your authority and Thought Leadership


Grab your seat now. Space is Limited.

Session Details:  

Five Week Personal Branding + Visibility Intensive Exclusively for Practicing Therapist

Five sessions designed to help you develop a strong Personal Brand and elevate your visibility.

Modules will include:

  • Elevating Your Mindset + Operating Like an Industry Leader

  • Conducting a Personal Brand Audit | Industry Assessment

  • Uncovering Your Unique Selling Proposition within the Mental Health Industry

  • Understanding Your Brand Story | Shaping a Winning Narrative

  • Learning How to Develop Compelling Messaging

  • Developing Thought Leadership

  • Identifying Opportunities to Catapult Industry Expertise      

  • Building a Strong Digital Presence 


Class Dates: 

-          September 12th

-          September 19th

-          September 26th

-          October 3rd  

Time:   1pm (All sessions recorded and sent within 24-Hours for future review, reference or to in case of absence).


Three Session Q + A Calls:

-          September 10th

-          September 17th

-          September 24th

Time:   1pm


Implementation Session:

Date:   September 27th, 2019 (Friday)

Time:   10am-2pm

-          Added Bonus: In order to encourage and support your elevation, we will be holding a 4-Hour Virtual Group “Get it Done” Time Block. This is an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and implement the strategies you have been learning.


Program also includes:  

-          Private Facebook Group to share your success stories, ask questions and identify resources and advice with other participants

-          Personal Brand Audit Checklist

-          Resource Guide

-          Weekly Authority Building Mindset Messages


Investment:                $697 (or two payments of $365)


Limited Availability:   Only 25 seats available



“If you don’t define yourself,then others will do it for you andyou might not like what they come up with.”- Jennifer Ransaw Smith

To grab a seat, purchase and register below:

First and Last Name
Email Address
First and Last Name